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Forward head posture

One of the most common posture problems today is Forward Head Posture.  For every inch  that the head moves forward from its natural position, the upper muscles of you back and neck has to support 10 more pounds of weight. Forward head posture is one of the leading causes of neck and shoulder tension, pain and headaches. Forward head posture develops over time as a result of an injury to the neck such as a sprain or strain of the cervical or upper thoracic spine.  Forward head posture is commonly associated with habits such as a poor sleeping or sitting positions or the overuse of a cell phone or tablet (texting or playing video games).  These activities can cause the head to be flexed at an acute angle for extended periods of time. Other causes such as heavy backpacks, sleeping wrong on a couch or reading at night with too many pillows all can lead to the epidemic of forward head posture. The repetition of this forward head movement causes the body to adapt a damaging forward head posture.

Forward head posture occurs when the head shifts forward from your body’s center of gravity.  In order to compensate for this movement, the upper shoulders and thoracic spine move backwards causing the hips to tilt forward.  This causes a domino effect with your posture which leaves the spine out of alignment.

Forward head posture not only aesthetically unattractive, but it can damage your health.   Long term stress on your cervical spine can lead to muscle strain, disc herniation and osteoarthritis of the spine as well as affecting your overall well-being.