Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9am to 6pm
  Contact : (719) 533-1000

Scoliosis is a medical condition that refers to an abnormal spinal curvature.  Signs of scoliosis are more noticeable during a child’s growth spurt or puberty.

Scoliosis causes the spine to appear curved from both front and back views. Scoliosis spinal curvatures are identified by three categories. The three types of curves are:

  • Levoscoliosis:  A left convexity curvature of the spine
  • Dextroscoliosis:  A right convexity curvature of the spine
  • Two Curves:  When the spine mimics the letter “S”

Females are two times as likely to develop scoliosis than males and are more susceptible between the ages of 10 to 16.

Several varieties of scoliosis include degenerative, idiopathic, congenital and neuromuscular scoliosis.  Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common and is believed to be hereditary. Degenerative scoliosis is often caused by collapse of bone, injuries, and diseases or back surgeries.

Neuromuscular scoliosis is linked with irregular nerves and muscles.  These are usually found in patients with spina bifida, paralysis or cerebral palsy. Scoliosis that begins at birth are known as congenital scoliosis.   This type of scoliosis is caused by abnormalities in bone structure.

Effects of scoliosis on the body:

  • Decreased heart function
  • Decreased lung function
  • Restricted abilities
  • Pain
  • Psychological effects (low self esteem)

Most scoliosis patients tend to have a minimal curvature that does not affect their appearance or capabilities.